My Kundalini Yoga Practice
I have been practicing Kundalini Yoga for over 15 years and had been incorporating it into my exercise routine two to three times a week. Until Guru Jagat’s book fell into my hands in 2019, and I got a whole new look at this ancient secret teaching and science.
More energy
I started practicing daily online at Guru Jagat’s Institute RA MA in Los Angeles; all it took was a few exercises and meditations and I felt a significant difference in my energy. My inner contentment grew and stabilized more and more. I felt happier and more energetic overall, regardless of what was happening on the outside – and I would say that Kundalini Yoga connected me even more to my essence.
Guru Jagat – forever grateful!
I was amazed at how quickly these technologies worked and wanted to learn more. From now on, I expanded my daily practice to one to two hours a day, taking classes and teacher trainings. In 2021 I had the blessed opportunity to meet and get to know my teacher Guru Jagat in person in Berlin shortly before she passed away – what a gift!
In July 2022 I completed the teacher training with her teacher Harijiwan and am now a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher through RA MA.
Secret teaching
There is a reason why this practice has only recently gained popularity: the ancient teachings of Kundalini Yoga were kept secret for a long time and taught only to kings and nobles for thousands of years, until Yogi Bhajan brought them to the West in the late 1960s and began to teach them publicly.
For this time of the Aquarian Age, Kundalini yoga is a wonderful technology to meet our daunting challenges in today’s world.
All energy systems in balance
It is an ancient science that has traditionally been passed from master to student by word of mouth.
As a form of exercise, it strengthens the body using breath, mantra, and concentration, stimulating the glands and nervous system for better health and energy. The subconscious mind is cleared, and the brain is balanced. It brings all ten bodies and all energy systems into balance.
‘The process of growth through Kundalini Yoga is a natural unfolding of your own nature. Like a snake, you will have to shed old skins to be more of who you are.‘
Yogi Bhajan
Younger, more beautiful and happier through new self-awareness
The goal of Kundalini Yoga is to increase your self-awareness by silencing your mind bringing more and more of who you really are into the world. You become aware of your Self, not from an egoic point of view, but from a divine point of view.
It can keep you young and help you live longer, happier and more stress-free. Your intuition is refined so that you can turn to your Higher Self for guidance in any area of life.
My Kundalini Yoga Courses
I offer Kundalini Yoga classes where you can reconnect with your essence. My intention is to give you a new experience in a higher frequency. A higher vibration than the one that creates your suffering. Because this is the only way to get out of old habits and to be happy within ourselves despite any difficult circumstances.
Make Kundalini Yoga a part of your life so that you can live what you truly are: your essence! I look forward to seeing you! SAT NAM!
Festival of Life in Lugano/Switzerland September 21
Kundalini Yoga Day Retreat in Lugano/Switzerland September 22
stay tuned for more information